Space = Experience
Space = Experience
Welcome all Space Travelers. Enter here and discover the management of Space in your daily lives. Each step that you take, is just about one foot apart and still impacts you over million of miles and over many years. Be empowered.
Be confident with every step.
Do not compromise your existence.
Step carefully.
All of us have to live in some space or the other. This could be family, career or social. These areas have many activity- buttons, which are impulses that move us in some direction or the other. In our childhood, we have a parental controlled button, that keeps getting into auto-pilot as we grow older and gather experience. Often this auto-pilot system is hijacked by external forces, that are compulsive in nature and seem beyond our control. That's when we leave our space and enter someone else's, or someone enters our space. This departure from the cocoon provides exposure and experience. Some good experiences and some challenging. How do we move forward keeping our space intact? How do we empower ourselves? How do we gain that confidence level? That's the question.
Have a workshop with us.
I believe that space is more than the terrestrial space that we are mostly exposed to. It is the metaphysical space in your mind that tells your body what to do. I did not know all this as i grew up, though I experienced the effects of a remote-controlled existence all the time. One fine day, I found the remote control gadget.
It was me.
My community consists of my feelings and emotions. It consists of my needs and wants. These elements reach out to people and interact to create a relationship. Sure I meet people and co-exist, but only after I filter my community requirements.
You can do that too.
We are all bunched together and prepped up for onward movement. This procedure starts at birth and accompanies us all the way. How do we get out of the fruit box?
Emotions control our needs and wants. We have one path to walk upon and each step is a need or a want. Both end up telling us what to do.
Our needs are hidden by the commotion of external influence. Sometimes we see the peak, sometimes we don't.